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About Us

About Clinical Research Performance, Inc.

Clinical Research Performance, Inc. is a social media training, consulting, and management company providing services across the United States and located in Research Triangle Park in Durham, North Carolina.  We specialize in meeting the specific regulatory needs of life science and health care businesses. We want to be part of your communication success story.  Our services emphasize efficiency and responsiveness and our founding values are generosity and harmony.  We believe that we get back what we give away, and that the future of work is in collaboration.

Start the conversation by calling us today.

Supporting Our Community

Proud Member of Durham Chamber of Commerce
Proud Member of Durham Chamber of Commerce

Member of the Durham Chamber of Commerce since 2012.

Sponsor of Triangle Biotech Tuesday, July 2012
Sponsor of Triangle Biotech Tuesday, July 2012

Sponsor of Triangle Biotech Tuesday, July 2012.

A sponsor of the Physicians Practice Survival Conference, Raleigh 2012
A sponsor of the Physicians Practice Survival Conference, Raleigh 2012

A sponsor of the Physician Practice Survival Conference, Raleigh 2012.