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Clinical Research

CRP provides assistance to clinical research sites.

Clinical Research

Clinical Research Performance, Inc. provides operations consulting services to research sites in addition to social media and content marketing solutions.


The #1 threat to any clinical research project is subject recruitment delay.  Patient recruitment on social media has historically failed because it isn't done correctly.  The correct way to use social media is to develop relationships before a study is opened.  Then deliver study messaging to an audience that wants to hear from you.

We can help you develop a social media plan that will be most effective in developing the relationships your research site needs to be successful.  We can train your staff to implement the plan, or we can manage it for you.  Whoever manages it, your staff will remain involved in order to deliver the authentic voice that your patients want to hear from you.


Has your site grown, but your SOPs haven’t?  We perform site-refresh visits across the United States.  We will review your current processes to see what you need for continued growth and quality.

Has your backup study coordinator moved into the starring role?  This may be permanent or perhaps your primary study coordinator is on maternity leave.  We have telephone support plans to help your backup perform at the same quality as your previous star.

Have you added staff or are your support staff weighing down your subject recruitment activities?  We have training programs for research staff and for support staff.

Do you have a quality plan which requires periodic site audit?  We have auditors, and we provide follow-up support to help you meet your quality goals.

Are you concerned about whether you have done enough with your electronic systems to make them Part 11 compliant?  What about the tasks research staff perform with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel?  We provided training, risk management plans, and processes and SOPs development.

Are you a clinical research site in distress? Are you in receipt of an FDA 483 or warning letter, or is your research site being threatened with shut down by a sponsor or IRB?  We perform urgent site support visits anywhere in the United States.

Contact us today to bring the advantage of our training and experience to your site success story.