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Filtering by Category: Humans of CRP

Happy 4th of July!


aprildaughter Today's blog post is from CRP Executive Assistant April Thompson. If you've done business with us, you've surely met April. Enjoy this portrait of the 4th of July in her small town in Vermont with her daughter and the rest of her family.

Happy Independence Day from Vermont where there are a plethora of small town parades to choose from for your early 4th celebrating. You’ll find families decked out in their finest red, white and blue carefully choosing their vantage point. Lawns are strewn with folding chairs and blankets.

Friends shake hands, embrace and inquire about each other’s plans for the rest of the day. They wait and socialize and grab a slice of free watermelon before the main event begins. Boy and girl Scouts, politicians, school groups, police, fire & rescue , local bands, tractors and race cars, Lions Club, 4-H groups and Jazzercise, you name it – they roll down Main Street to the beat of their own drum.

Marching, riding, walking dancing and singing – waving all the while. Smiles abound. Candy is gathered by children.

I sit with my own family every year in front of the Colchester Historical Society on a little hill. I’ve taken dozens of photos of them from that same perch. They feel like the only variable that changes on this day, because everything else feels gloriously the same.


This post by CRP Executive Assistant April Thompson was originally published at